We will be building upon last week's positive self talk onto this week's building confidence, as positive self is certainly a step towards building confidence!
Perception is everything when it comes to building confidence. The way in which you view yourself has much to do with how others perceive you. Of course there are factors that are beyond control always, but there is much that is under your control and by getting in that driver's seat and taking control, you can certainly build greater self confidence.
"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The trick is to not let one set back keep you down, the more you keep pushing on, whether it is a failed test, lost job, or the end of a relationship, the idea is to keep pushing through, and moving forward. Allowing yourself "blunders" and letting yourself be human will not only build resilience within you but make you more confident along with it. The best way to learn is to try and to keep on trying until you do learn. The more you allow yourself to keep on trying and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, the easier it will become to face the next challenge with confidence.
Pulling from last week > be optimistic! Regardless of the situation, social, work, school, etc. being positive is a great force that has the power to change the way you see your outcomes. Try being optimistic the next time you face a personal challenge and see how if your outlook has an impact on the challenge and also how you perceive it. It doesn't cost a thing and it is another step in the direction of building confidence.
“Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.” - Peter T. Mcintyre
Be prepared for it all. Pay attention to the small details, floss, get enough sleep, eat wholesome meals, dress in clothes that make you feel good - whatever your style maybe, get some exercise regularly - take a walk around the block, and be social - talk to your friends and family. Practicing self care can prepare you for building that confidence.
Don't accept failure: the sky will not fall down, you will only gain experience by trying. You become stronger and your chances of succeeding increases. Get to know who you are and what you want out of life and the only way to do this is by trying and getting out of that comfort zone. It will build great confidence.
Get to know yourself better - go exploring, figure out what excites you and do it. Doing will help you figure out what you want out of life. It will build confidence, the more you do, the better you will get. As with everything, and as we have mentioned before, practice, practice and practice again.
Be a superhero. Not in the crime fighting sense (unless that is your job!) - but pose, pose as a superhero for a few minutes in front of the mirror and see how it increases your self confidence, do it before a presentation or a meeting. This too will build confidence.
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