Wednesday, January 18, 2017

New Year, New Vision for Self

Ah! The New Year, and as it always is - arrives with much bang and glitter and joy! Alongside, come the resolutions, of course. Our blog today will focus on that - we will take it to the next level and challenge you to keep these resolutions in mind for the remainder of the year as more of a new vision rather than a resolution for yourself. In addition, if you fall through at some point, no worries, just keep them in mind and continue on. As Dory says, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!" Below are few of the ways in which to have a new vision for yourself going into this new year.

Play more - playing is a crucial way to relieve stress and a great source of relaxation for adults. In
addition, it can increase creativity and production as well. Here is a good place to start since most of us have not "played" in quite some years:

Be more grateful - for this year, resolve to be more grateful. Feeling more grateful has been shown to boost your health. Grateful people have been shown to take better care of themselves, which in turn leads to a healthier lifestyle: eating better, sleeping more, and getting regular physical examinations. See it from the experts themselves:
In addition, studies have shown that keeping a gratitude journal can increase the motivation for physical activity:

Spend more time in nature - this can also go hand in hand with playing. Spending time outdoors can boost your immune system as well as increase creativity. 

Spend more time with the people that matter - there is just too little time in life not to. We should spend more time with the people we care about as well as those who care about us, this is the way to stay happy and bring continuous joy in your life. Keeping the social connections active in your life will strengthen these relationships even further. 

Enjoy the little things - learn to appreciate life's simple pleasures as looking up at the stars, and if you live in the city, then looking up and admiring the buildings, saying hello to someone passing by, or simply enjoying a warm cup of coffee and really tasting it (or, if you are like me- a bowl of ice cream in the snow and really being mindful about it). Walk barefoot in the grass when it gets warm, hang out with your pets any and all the time you can. These are the little things that add up to living life to the fullest. For more ideas:
There are many many ways to envision this new self in this new year and for even more ideas:

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