Today we will be focusing on goal setting. Many of us feel as though we are drifting through the world and often times, this feeling arises from not having thoroughly thought about what we want. In order to set a destination, first, we need to think about where we want to go and of course how we wish to get to the destination. By setting goals we can achieve what we want in life, to a small daily task all the way to what we want our lives to look like 5 years to 10 years down the road, whether its related to career, family, health, leisure, creative, etc. Below we have provided 5 ways of how to begin setting goals.
2) Make the goals "SMART": using the SMART mnemonic is a very useful way of tailoring the goals to what one desires to achieve. There are a few variants on SMART, in addition to the standard listed on the photograph, the following alternative may apply to SMART as well:
- S - Significant
- M - Meaningful
- A - Action-Oriented
- R - Rewarding
- T - Track-able
4) Create an action plan: now that the goals are set and have been written down, one can create an action plan; a very important step which is often overlooked but is essential. After writing each step in the action plan and crossing it off as it is completed, one will see physical evidence of progress which is not only motivating but wonderful for self esteem as one sees accomplishments being achieved and progress being made towards the goal(s).
5) Review goals frequently: once the goals are written down and one has a vision of what they may manifest as, review them. Review them frequently as this will aid in keeping on track and making the goals a reality. In addition, reviewing the goals will help in creating further action plans to achieve the goals. One can choose how frequently to review them, reviewing them can also help in guiding daily, weekly and/or monthly tasks.
Making goal setting a regular practice can make one feel motivated, in charge, and even happier. Making progress towards goals can lead to a more happy and satisfied short term and long term life. Attaining the goals can have vast positive consequences in one's life.