Sunday, May 1, 2016

Tips for a Healthier You

As we just ended April aka Mental Health Awareness Month, we would like to share some tips for a healthier you (mentally and otherwise).

Continue reading below for a few ways to mind your health this month and for all the other months of the year too!

1) Sleep Enough: sleeplessness, depression and anxiety are all interrelated to each other; sleeplessness can aggravate depression and depression/anxiety can cause sleeplessness. Lack of sleep can also impair judgement and make one forgetful. Having a daily routine can help in creating a time for bed, in turn leading to better sleep. Making sure that there are no distractions while one is attempting to sleep, such as, having the TV on, having a cell phone close by to browse through while laying down, etc. Getting the recommended 8 hours each night can help alleviate overall daily stressors.

2) Take a Daily Walk: walking and body movement in general, whether in the form of exercise or just a stroll can have significant impact on one's daily life. Some ways in which one can incorporate into daily life is by taking your pet for a walk (longer than the usual time), walking with a friend, walking up the stairs instead of taking an elevator, walking during a phone call, and walking after a meal are all ways in which one can include walking while accomplishing various other tasks. Getting the recommended 10,000 steps daily can lead to a healthier lifestyle.

3) Drink more Water: drink a whole glass of water after waking up each morning. Drinking water first thing in the morning (and all day) will help energize the muscles and get the body moving. In addition, drinking water throughout the day will help in keeping caloric intake down and help one in feeling fuller longer. Drinking water will also aid in keeping one's skin look more hydrated and clearer. Water will also aid your kidneys in flushing out toxins, and help in maintaining normal bowel functions. Getting the recommended six to eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day can lead to a well oiled body.

4) Check your Mood and Energy: take a moment to evaluate mood and energy, breathe deeply, exhale and assess the energy level as well as the feelings and thoughts. Keeping a check on one's mood and energy can aid in taking the right steps to take rest if energy is low, perhaps take a walk if, talk to a dear friend or play with a pet if the mood maybe off. Being mindful of how one's mood and energy is flowing through the day can help in creating a homeostasis within the mind and body. 

5) Make (and maintain) Social Connections: everyone has a need for lasting and long relationships, making new social connections and maintaining social connections can make a huge difference in daily living. A phone call or text from a friend can help make a dreary day better. Taking time to visit family members can foster social connections and maintain them over time. Having and making the time for others can make one's own life healthier and more enjoyable!

We hope you found these tips helpful for a healthier you!

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