Wednesday, October 26, 2016

I. Statements.

Communication with another person is simply an exchange of information, however, the nuances that go along with how that information is communicated is where most of us can get stumped, especially when it comes to communicating with loved ones- where most of our conversations are very much laced with a plethora of emotions, feelings and beliefs. The following are some ways to improve communication skills that can lead to healthier relationships.

Make the Time
Those in healthy relationships make the time to check in with each other, not only are respectful in their communication but also make sure that it takes place in the first place. No matter how busy our schedules get, we can always make the time to talk to our loved ones, even if requires getting scheduled into our long days.

I. Statements vs. Open Ended Questions
We have been taught from early on to utilize "I" statements when attempting to convey our thoughts clearly to another person, this is fantastic advise, and really gets our feelings out. It also aids in our communication being assertive in what we desire from the conversation. It is also great practice in assertiveness in general. In addition, however, we should also utilize open ended questions, such as..."how do you feel...?" "..tell me more." etc. to really understand and hear the person on the other end.

Listen Effectively not just Hear
Listening. Hearing. Two different things. We hear all the sounds and words when someone is speaking with us but are we actually listening? Listening effectively requires attention and patience (why can be very difficult to attain if the conversation is emotionally charged) and with both of these in sync, you can provide the person you are communicating with the space they may need to express themselves, which will lead to a better understanding of the issue at hand by you. This is also when some mindfulness skills can be really helpful.
Mutual Respect & Trust
Everything boils down to trust. Do you trust the person you are communicating with? Do you trust them enough to "hear them out" and listen to their entire side? Once the trust has been established, the remainder of the communication should fall into place, as long as the two people respect and care for one another.With respect, the care will follow and the communication will effectively take place. With respect, even if two people disagree on the topic at hand, there shouldn't be any long lasting hard feelings. With respect for oneself and for each other, the love and care will stay intact. 

For more reading on this topic:

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